The Classic Ovronnaz - Rambert

Climb along the banks of the Salentse River on a forest road until you reach the Saille alpine pasture at 1,786 meters, sheltered under the forest canopy. Then, the panorama reveals the Muveran mountain range.

From there, you join the official trail to the Rambert hut. Zigzagging, it takes you to Plan Salentse and then to Plan Coppel before reaching the pass and the Rambert hut. A colony of ibexes often greets you. The return is via the same route.

A longer alternative descends into the Outannes valley and continues through the Chamosentse and Loutse alpine pastures.

Take a break at the Loutze refreshment stand before heading back to Tourbillon and your starting point.




3h depending on pace



16 km




Height difference

+1300m / -1300m


Minimum altitude

1254 m


Maximum altitude

2584 m

Starting point

Tourism office

Point of arrival

Tourism office


From June to October