Grand tour of Leytron

By taking a relatively steep vineyard path, reach the hamlets of Produit and Montagnon, high above Leytron.

The ascent continues on a trail covered with wood chips until you reach the dizzying Farinet footbridge, which overlooks the Salentze Gorges at a height of 136 meters. The view over the plain is breathtaking.

A short descent allows your legs to rest before a steep, wild ascent into the forest to reach Plan Charrat. Poles are useful for this section, which includes some steep passages.

With small strides on the Chiboz road, reach Favouay, then descend to Dugny in the shade along the river. The return to Leytron through the Valeresse meadows allows you to enjoy the sun and a clear view of the plain.




330 minutes



14.9 km




Height difference

+1166m / -1166m


Minimum altitude

490 m


Maximum altitude

1325 m

Starting point

Church of Leytron

Point of arrival

Church of Leytron


All year round, depending on the snow conditions